Join us to hear Robert Kagan speak on his most recent book about America’s role as an enforcer of peace and order throughout the world! The role of the United States in international affairs has always been a point of contention for Americans. Yet, in the midst of disturbing events around the world, the United States must make a decision about where it stands in terms of its role as a peace enforcer. Should it head down the path of withdrawal in the face of such disarray? Or, should it focus on stabilizing irrational actors? Join us as author and Senior Fellow, Robert Kagan offers his views on the predicament and provides a “realist” rationale for moving forward.
Robert Kagan is the Stephen & Barbara Friedman Senior Fellow with the Project on International Order and Strategy in the Foreign Policy program at Brookings. He is a contributing columnist at the Washington Post and author of NYT best-seller, The World America Made. For his writings, Politico Magazine named Kagan one of the “Politico 50” in 2016, the “thinkers, doers and visionaries transforming American politics in 2016.”
WorldBoston’s Chat & Chowder features key authors on international affairs in an engaging setting. In addition to discussion of a featured book (usually sold at a significant discount), the program offers the opportunity for discussion among members and guests – and of course a selection of chowders and beverages.
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