WorldBoston Recommends 10/31/22-11/4/22

Dear Friends,
Welcome to this week's WorldBoston Recommends email, highlighting high-quality programming for the upcoming week, whether our own, from other World Affairs Councils, or other excellent venues. We hope these recommendations help you stay internationally engaged, wherever you may be.
Best regards,

Mary P. Yntema
President & CEO

Hidden No More Welcome Reception: Empowering Women in STEM


Thursday, November 3rd

5:00 – 7:00 PM ET

Join WorldBoston, LabCentral Ignite, and the State Department-sponsored International Visitor Leadership Program for this special opportunity to meet with women leaders in STEM from over 20 countries around the world. The reception will feature a substantive panel discussion and Q&A with industry leaders both from the Boston community and abroad who are participating in the IVLP's Hidden No More program, as well as excellent networking opportunities over light food and beverages.

Space is very limited – only a few tickets left!


Setting the Agenda for COP27: Pathways for an Inclusive Energy Transition

Monday, October 31st

9:00 – 10:00 AM ET

The 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP27, kicks off next week. In anticipation, join the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center to hear energy sector leaders weigh in on the high-priority agenda items, including how to ensure that energy security and climate action are advanced in tandem, how to close the financing gap with developing nations, and what actions are needed to meet 2030 climate goals.


Europe’s Security Landscape: The View from the United Kingdom with the UK's Ambassador to the U.S.

Tuesday, November 1st

10:00 AM – 11:15 PM ET

Join Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the Harvard Kennedy School for a seminar on the current European security landscape as they host Dame Karen Pierce, Ambassador of the United Kingdom to the U.S., General Sir Nicholas Carter, former Chief of the Defence Staff to the United Kingdom, and Ambassador Paula Dobriansky. They will explore how Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine has reshaped transatlantic security and future European and international defense agreements.


The Euro after the Pandemic: The Case for a Permanent Fiscal Capacity


Tuesday, November 1st

11:30 AM – 1:00 PM ET

The value of the Euro has dropped by 20% since May 2021. What can Europe do to salvage its currency going into this Recession? Join the Pardee School of Global Studies and Center for the Study of Europe at Boston University as they host Federico Fabbrini and Vivien Schmidt to explore this topic.


What’s at Stake in Brazil's Election

Wednesday, November 2nd

3:00 – 4:00 PM ET

Brazil’s upcoming presidential election will be a major test for one of the world’s largest democracies. With Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva ahead in polls, will Jair Bolsonaro go quietly? Join the World Affairs Council of Seattle for a virtual discussion on the outcome of the election and what it means for Brazil’s future with Sarah Maslin, São Paulo-based Brazil correspondent for The Economist


Boston Climate Progress Report 2022

Thursday, November 3rd

10:00 – 11:30 AM ET

The inaugural Boston Climate Progress Report was developed to to evaluate Boston’s ongoing progress toward the goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Join The Boston Foundation for a key discussion of the report's methodology and findings, and the researchers' recommendations for how we can all make our city climate ready. The program will feature a presentation by the report's researchers as well as an expert panel discussion. 


Elevating African Diaspora Humanitarian Efforts

Saturday, November 5th

11:00 AM – 1:00 PM ET

African Diaspora is increasingly becoming a critical player in humanitarian efforts in Africa, but these actions are often not integrated with global efforts. Join Africa Diaspora Engaging Africa (ADEA) alongside the International Organization for Migration (IOM) as they gather to generate recommendations for increasing coordination for African Diaspora Humanitarian activities.


Have you taken our What in the World? quiz yet this week?

Test your international affairs knowledge! Check @WorldBoston on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram every Monday, or email Natalie Mase to receive the quiz by email every week.

For last week's high scores and more information visit our website here.


Check out our event recordings!

Video recordings of our events are available on our YouTube Channel, thanks to the excellent work of our media partners at GBH Forum Network.

Chat & Chowder on The Four Ages of American Foreign Policy, featuring Michael Mandelbaum, Christian A. Herter Professor Emeritus of American Foreign Policy at The Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.

Chat & Chowder on Atoms and Ashes, featuring Serhii Plokhy, Professor of Ukrainian History and Director of the Ukrainian Research Institute at Harvard University.

The State of the State Department & Public Diplomacy with Stacy E. White, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Professional and Cultural Exchanges at the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and Farah Pandith, Fellow of the Future of Diplomacy Project at Harvard University’s Belfer Center.


Great Decisions on Drug Policy in Latin America, featuring Dr. Evan Ellis, Research Professor of Latin American Studies at the U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute.

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