WorldBoston Recommends: 11/8/21 – 11/12/21

WorldBoston Recommends…
Dear Friends,
Welcome to this week's WorldBoston Recommends email, highlighting high-quality programming over the next week, whether our own, from other World Affairs Councils, or other excellent venues. We hope these recommendations help you stay internationally engaged, wherever you may be.
Best regards,

Mary P. Yntema
President & CEO

Tuesday, November 9th
6:00 – 7:00 PM ET
In summer of 2021, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the first portion of its Sixth Assessment Report, Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. The report addresses the most up-to-date physical understanding of the climate system and climate change. Hundreds of leading experts around the world volunteered their time and expertise as authors.
As global leaders convene at COP26, join us to learn more about the report that is informing their discussions and policies. In addition to coordinating lead author of the report Baylor Fox-Kemper, we will feature Michael Green, a member of the WorldBoston Board of Directors, for his insights on the ground in Glasgow. Please also join us for the informal post-Chat Chat, led by WorldBoston friend Bruce Berman, Director of Strategy and Communications at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay.

Monday, November 8th
12:00 – 1:00 PM ET
Join the Belfer Center at Harvard University for this Energy Policy Seminar featuring David Keith, Professor of Applied Physics in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Professor of Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School. Professor Keith will present “How to Cool the Planet: comparing the political and physical risks of carbon removal and solar geoengineering”. HKS Professor Henry Lee will moderate the discussion and Q&A. David Keith has worked near the interface between climate science, energy technology, and public policy for twenty five years. He took first prize in Canada's national physics prize exam, won MIT's prize for excellence in experimental physics, and was one of TIME magazine's Heroes of the Environment.

Tuesday, November 9th
3:00 – 4:00 PM ET
Every Woman Treaty is a campaign for a global treaty to end violence against women and girls. The global coalition includes more than 1,700 women’s rights advocates, lawyers, scholars, and organizations in 128 countries working for a safer world for women and girls worldwide. Join WorldOregon for a discussion with Lisa Shannon (CEO and Cofounder) and Judge Najla Ayoubi (Chief of Coalition & Global Programs) on the work that EWT is engaged with over a wide range of vital advocacy areas — from women’s empowerment and poverty elimination, to legal status and the rights of widows, to indigenous rights and onward — in an effort to close the gap in the cultural and legal framework that will lead to better protections for women worldwide.

Wednesday, November 10th
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET
How can cryptocurrencies contribute to a more democratic and equitable financial system? As this technology develops, how might private actors and central banks approach new global financial landscapes? How will the widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies change governments’ approach to monetary policies? Join Foreign Policy, in partnership with Square, Inc. as they convene entrepreneurs, global thought leaders, and finance experts to examine cryptocurrency’s impact and future across the international marketplace and spotlight innovative efforts in the crypto space. The discussion will also feature insights from FP Analytics’ new Power Maps series on the Future of Money, examining the forces shaping the global financial landscape and driving the adoption of new financial instruments by major institutions, tech companies, and individual investors.

Wednesday, November 10th
6:00 – 8:00 PM ET
Join the Foreign Policy Association for a webinar with the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The lecture will feature two panels, each focusing on a different area of cooperation between the U.S. and the Republic of Korea. The first panel will examine the options for modernizing the diplomatic relationship between the U.S. and ROK based on the summit held on May 21st between Presidents Joe Biden and Moon Jae-in. The second panel will explore opportunities for technological and medical modernization between the two nations, and how cooperation on this front is more important than ever. Speakers include Evans J.R. Revere, Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group; Steve Brozak,
President, WBB Securities; Ji-Hwan Hwang, Professor, University of Seoul; Hang Hwi Lee, Professor, Ajou University; and Tae Yong Jung, Professor, Yonsei University.

Thursday, November 11th
4:30 – 5:30 PM ET
Join the Jackson Institute for Global Studies at Yale University as they host a Virtual Discussion Forum focused on the complex, volatile relationship between India and China, featuring one of India’s most prominent foreign affairs journalists. Sushant Singh is Senior Fellow at the Centre for Policy Research in India, founder of The India Cable, and former Deputy Editor of The Indian Express newspaper, where he covered international affairs and national security. He is in residence at Yale this semester as a lecturer in Political Science and South Asian Studies. The event will be moderated by Arne Westad, Director of International Security Studies and Elihu Professor of History and Global Affairs.

Thursday, November 11th
6:30 – 7:30 PM ET
News & Views, a conversation-based series from the International Relations Council, brings together a small group of community members for respectful, substantive discussion around one of that week's top international news stories. Next week, Michael Burke will lead a discussion on U.S. policy in Africa. Michael Burke has 44 years of experience serving our nation in both the Departments of Defense and State. In his career, he spent years coordinating U.S. policy for Africa while serving both on the Joint Staff and U.S. European Command. Mike has worked with dedicated foreign service officers, general service professionals, and local employed staff in over 30 missions worldwide.

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