WorldBoston Recommends: 3/28/2022-4/1/2022

Dear Friends,
Welcome to this week's WorldBoston Recommends email, highlighting high-quality programming for the upcoming week, whether our own, from other World Affairs Councils, or other excellent venues. We hope these recommendations help you stay internationally engaged, wherever you may be.
Best regards,
Mary P. Yntema
President & CEO
Hybrid Event
Wednesday, March 30th
6:00 – 7:30 PM ET
From Afghanistan to Ukraine, recent global crises have caused millions of refugees to flee their countries. Where do they go, and how do they settle in a new country? How is asylum handled in the United States? Join WorldBoston to learn more about immigration to the U.S. with Susan Cohen, a nationally recognized immigration lawyer, during a hybrid Chat & Chowder program on her recent book, Journeys from There to Here: Stories of Immigrant Trials, Triumphs, and Contributions.
Monday, March 28th
12:00 – 1:00 PM ET
Today, fossil fuels still account for more than 80% of total global energy demand, with oil and gas representing approximately 57% of consumption. The energy transition will require sharp reductions in fossil fuel use by 2050 in order for the world to meet its greenhouse gas emissions goals. What are the implications for the oil and gas industry and the energy system as a whole during this transition? Join the Belfer Center at Harvard University for this Energy Policy Seminar featuring Donald Paul.
Tuesday, March 29th
8:30 – 9:30 AM ET
Russia’s unprovoked war in Ukraine will have momentous consequences for the transatlantic community. Eighteen years after the accession of the Baltic states to NATO, Estonian President Alar Karis, Latvian President Egils Levits, and Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda will outline their views on the current situation in Ukraine, its implications for European security, and how NATO should adapt to respond to a fundamentally changed relationship with Russia. Join the Atlantic Council for this discussion moderated by Ambassador Paula J. Dobriansky.
Tuesday, March 29th
1:00 – 2:00 PM ET
Since Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine, many have been skeptical about the possibility of a diplomatic resolution to the conflict, despite the strong incentives to reach a peace agreement. It is clear is that the alternative is a protracted war, which will lead to immense suffering and losses for the people of Ukraine. Join the Quincy Institute for a panel discussion about the possible ways to end the war, featuring Gabrielle Rifkind and Ambassador Thomas Pickering, moderated by Anatol Lieven.
Wednesday, March 30th
9:00 AM ET
Join the Secretary's Office of Diversity and Inclusion at the U.S. Department of State as they launch #FacingDiplomacy, a project to build a complete and more diverse history of American diplomacy. This panel will explore how storytelling can advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility, and it will feature Ambassador Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley, Ben Reames, Shehryar Mufti, Michael Veasy, and Caitlin Moses Bowser, moderated by Maryum Saifee.
Thursday, March 31st
10:00 – 11:30 AM ET
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, central banks and national governments introduced unprecedented fiscal and monetary support. Now, inflation is a key concern, especially in Latin America. What are the sources of the inflationary surge in Latin America, its consequences for growth, and the options available to monetary authorities? Join the American Enterprise Institute for this discussion featuring José De Gregorio, Ilan Goldfajn, Steven B. Kamin, Fernanda Nechio, and Stan Veuger.
Thursday, March 31st
2:30-3:30 PM ET
Freedom of navigation on the world’s oceans is a key pillar of the international order. But in recent decades, this concept has undergone a major evolution, from restrictions on maritime commerce during the two world wars to environmentally-motivated restrictions on high-seas fishing. Join the Brookings Institution for this discussion about the challenges of governing the oceans and the future of the law of the seas, featuring Bruce Jones, Melanie W. Sisson, Lindsey W. Ford, and David Bosco.
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