WorldBoston Recommends: 8/30/21 – 9/3/21

WorldBoston Recommends…
Dear Friends,
Welcome to this week's WorldBoston Recommends email, highlighting high-quality programming over the next week, whether our own, from other World Affairs Councils, or other excellent venues. We hope these recommendations help you stay internationally engaged, wherever you may be.
Best regards,

Mary P. Yntema
President & CEO

Tuesday, August 31
10:00 – 11:00 AM ET
The 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has already highlighted considerable differences between and within the two parties on key dimensions of America’s defense strategy. While China, and to a lesser extent Russia, are increasingly the focus of military planning, other long-term challenges such as counterterrorism, North Korea, and Iran will remain important priorities, too. Congress must consider how — or whether — to pay for numerous long-term programs and platforms while also assuring near-term readiness. Join Brookings for this conversation on the defense budget with House Armed Services Committee (HASC) Chairman Adam Smith, moderated by Brookings Senior Fellow Michael O’Hanlon

Tuesday, August 31
2:00 PM ET
Join the World Affairs Council of America as they host investigative reporter Craig Whitlock for this edition of Cover to Cover. His book, The Afghanistan Papers, contains startling revelation after revelation from people who played a direct role in the war, from leaders in the White House and the Pentagon to soldiers and aid workers on the front lines. In unvarnished language, they admit that the US government’s strategies were a mess, the statistics were distorted, the nation-building project was a colossal failure, and that drugs and corruption gained a stranglehold over their allies in the Afghan government.

Wednesday, September 1
9:00 – 10:00 AM ET
A series of anti–money laundering (AML) supervisory fiascos since 2018 have raised doubts about the integrity of the EU financial system. In July, the European Commission published wide-ranging proposals for reform, including the creation of a new EU AML Authority. Will it be enough to deter malpractice and restore confidence? Join the Peterson Institute for International Economics for this conversation with host Nicolas Véron and guests John Berrigan and Joshua Kirschenbaum.

Wednesday, September 1
1:00 – 2:00 PM ET
Since long before Brexit, Northern Ireland has found itself straddling different worlds. To support the Northern Ireland peace process, the U.S. has intermittently stationed a special envoy in Belfast and continues to monitor developments in the region. Join the International Relations Council of Kansas City as they host Christopher Rendo, deputy consul general at the U.S. consulate in Belfast, for a firsthand account of the challenges and opportunities of Northern Ireland's unique situation.

Thursday, September 2
9:30 –10:45 AM ET
The withdrawal of U.S. forces and the speedy collapse of the Afghan government have introduced a drastically new reality on the ground. Central Asian states are facing new challenges and risks, including the rapidly unfolding humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan and the deeply worrying role Central Asian militants play in the Taliban's offensive campaign. This roundtable will discuss the ongoing dramatic developments and the implications of the new situation for Central Asian security. Join panelists hosted by the Davis Center for a discussion on this situation.

Thursday, September 2
5:00 – 6:00 PM ET
The nation’s number-two diplomat, Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman has circumnavigated the globe twice since being sworn in this April. In July, she was the first senior Biden-Harris administration official to visit the People’s Republic of China for wide-ranging diplomatic talks. Deputy Secretary Sherman will reflect on her travels and share insights into the Biden-Harris administration’s Indo-Pacific strategy. Following her remarks, the Deputy Secretary will be joined in conversation by Willow Bay, Dean of the University of Southern California Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism.

Friday, September 3
12:00 – 1:30 PM ET
The Boston University's Pardee School Project on the Political Economy of Security (PPES) Virtual Speaker Series hosts scholars and public intellectuals interested in advancing the intersection of political economy and security. During this PPES lecture, Helen Jang of the University of Florida will discuss “Selective Escalation in the South China Sea: China’s Energy Mercantilism, Asymmetric Trade Dependence, and Militarized Maritime Disputes,” with Discussant Emily Meierding of the Naval Postgraduate School.

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