WorldBoston Recommends: 9/27/21 – 10/1/21

WorldBoston Recommends…
Dear Friends,
Welcome to this week's WorldBoston Recommends email, highlighting high-quality programming over the next week, whether our own, from other World Affairs Councils, or other excellent venues. We hope these recommendations help you stay internationally engaged, wherever you may be.
Best regards,

Mary P. Yntema
President & CEO

Tuesday, September 28
6:00 – 7:00 PM ET
As the situation in Afghanistan continues to unfold, evacuees are making their way to the United States. Despite the global nature of this situation, the local private sector will play an unusually large part in assisting the transition of Afghan evacuees. This discussion will feature Jeffrey Thielman, President and CEO of the International Institute of New England; Larry Tobin, Director of The Shapiro Foundation; and Mary Truong, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Office of Refugees and Immigrants. Participants will have the opportunity to engage through a Q&A portion, breakout rooms, and our virtual Business Card and Resource Exchange.

Wednesday, September 29th
6:00 – 7:00 PM ET
The Covid-19 pandemic has thrust the World Health Organization (WHO) into the limelight, for better and for worse. What is the WHO’s role in responding to international pandemics? What can be done to improve the WHO’s response to future global health crises? Dr. Kelley Lee co-established the WHO Collaborating Centre on Global Change and Health, and chaired the WHO Resource Group on Globalization, Trade and Health. Her current research, leading the Pandemics and Borders Project research group, focuses on the use of cross-border measures (travel and trade) during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the implications for global responses governed by the WHO International Health Regulations.

Monday, September 27
3:00 – 4:00 PM ET
Do politics really “stop at the water’s edge”? In today’s partisan environment, how can we come together to face uniquely global challenges? Join the World Affairs Council of Northern California and the Pacific Council on International Policy for a conversation on the value of nonpartisan diplomacy with California's Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis, the former US ambassador to Hungary, and Ambassador Trevor D. Traina, former US Ambassador to the Republic of Austria. The conversation will be moderated by Karen E. Richardson, former Deputy Assistant Secretary to the Bureau of Public Affairs.

Tuesday, September 28
1:00 2:00 PM ET
The Center for a New American Security will host a special event for the launch of the second edition of Leadership: The Warrior’s Art. The first edition of Warrior's Art has been lauded as “the absolute best book on military leadership,” and has served as a field guide to leadership development for tens of thousands—even accompanying soldiers into battle in Afghanistan and Iraq. Author Christopher Kolenda will be joined by Marine veterans and CNAS Adjunct Senior Fellows Dr. Jeannette Gaudry Haynie and Dr. Kyleanne Hunter to discuss their new chapter, “Developing Operational Leaders … Who Happen to be Women,” why the full integration of women into the military is crucial for readiness, and practical ways to end sexual assault within the ranks.

Wednesday, September 29th
12:00 PM ET
Join Women in World Trade New England for this virtual event to meet four trailblazing women CEOs from Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands and the United States as they explore topics like obtaining venture funding as a woman CEO; lessons learned from expanding your company internationally; combining the challenges of managing a start-up company with family life; and much more. Panelists include Nancy Briefs, Bettina Hein, Arantza Muriana, Sandra Somford-Pannekeet, and moderator Christa Bleyleben.

Thursday, September 30th
1:00 – 1:45 PM ET
While the United States does not maintain formal diplomatic ties with Taiwan, the two still engage in robust economic and cultural exchange. Yet as many American policymakers increasingly frame the US relationship with China around competition, some analysts have expressed concern that Taiwan may become a flashpoint for conflict. In a recent Chicago Council Survey report, more than half of Americans now favor defending Taiwan using US troops should China invade, the highest level recorded since the Council began asking the question in 1982. Join The Chicago Council and panelists Paul Heer, Kaiser Kuo, and Shelley Rigger to discuss the past, the present, and what’s at stake.

Friday, October 1st
2:00 PM ET
In this recently published memoir, Jerzy Kwiatkowski describes in stark detail the sixteen months he spent in a Nazi concentration camp in occupied Poland. Written in 1945, Kwiatkowski’s manuscript provides a documentary-caliber look at prisoner life—from the mundane to the hopeful—and a first-person view on the Nazi regime’s darkest excesses. Norman Naimark, who wrote an introduction to the volume, moderates. Please join the Hoover Institution with speakers John Connelly, Timothy Garton Ash, Katherine R. Jolluck, and Dorota Niedziałkowska, for this discussion.

Friday, October 1st –
Saturday, October 2nd
In Person and Virtual
The Global Security Forum brings the world's top leadership directly to the citizenry. Generals, experts, policymakers, and foreign leaders convene in Connecticut, a center for national defense, to address the most critical global security issues of today and the opportunities of tomorrow. Global Security Forum 2021 will be hosted virtually and in-person to address the central theme: Competing for the future. GSF2021 will explore emerging technologies, evolving battlefronts, and shifting global power centers to address why nations must innovate today in order to compete for tomorrow. Please join the World Affairs Council of Connecticut for this series of events.

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